
Imortality needs Death - Life needs Security.

If you were tempted to follow a link to this page below an image of a naked woman you may feel misled by both the image and the title of this page. This section is concerned with my disquiet with our standard approach to explaining the nature of the evolution of the universe as a whole. Conventional explanations seem to have been built with major sections of reasoning on the subject deliberately sidelined or ignored as incomensurate with the Art of Science.

The prose below describes the formation of the Universe

The deep abiding silence flexed the wall of the Singularity.
Comprehension was easier within than without.

Self-understanding would soon be destroyed in an orgasmic burst of creation as the birth of a universe gave rise to the Gift of Forgetting.
From within the singularity it was clear that the Infinite could contain itself,
a notion that would be eradicated as the gift of forgetting obliterated any hope of the clarity of contradiction showing that the point of life was held as a point of infinite contraction.

A contract had been agreed between the heavens and the hells.

The truth would remain as the Silence of Consciousness, forever present and sustaining the Creation. An Awareness would bring forth its namesake, fragmenting the truth into endless diversity, the Souls of Division tasked with the reconstitution of the singular.

There was no starting place for the journey to the Wall of the Singularity, its infinite content ensured no beginning and its content would be the source of the structure Awareness would use to give Life, its infinite creative expression. The Souls of Division would sense their unity as a playground for evolution, life would take the lead and isolate structure from the content of consciousness.

Consciousness would remain in enigmatic silence to tempt the Souls of Division and their creations to fulfil the contract.

The contract released, the wall of the singularity inverted and the infinite whole released itself as infinite Separation. An apparent unending volume of space expanded as time allowed the birth of linear creation from the superposition of singularity. The universe became a contrast of form and void.

The Gift of Forgetting divided the heavens and the hells and the adventure began.

And now...

Our standard approach to the study of the universe has been hijacked by what describes itself as Science. A far from harmless human endevour to explain our world via the isolation of rational thought from whatever its proponents classify as unresponsive to the "scientific method".
That method has had some tremendous successes

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And another subheading

Adipiscing faucibus nunc placerat. Tempus adipiscing turpis non blandit accumsan eget lacinia nunc integer interdum amet aliquam ut orci non col ut ut praesent. Semper amet interdum mi. Phasellus enim laoreet ac ac commodo faucibus faucibus. Curae lorem ipsum adipiscing ac. Vivamus ornare laoreet odio vis praesent.

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