Botherations that provoke actions by being irritants

A distinction is made on the Home page of this site between two kinds of botherations - Irritations and Concerns. The difference is in the likely responses made to being bothered by either of these two happenings. Irritants usually require a relatively quck response (you can be bothered you do something about them) as opposed to concerns, which may linger unattended for very long periods or may be suppressed or ignored altogether ( (you cannot be bothered to do something about them.

Irritants make you act.

Irritants provoke discomfort, distraction and annoyance. All actions that are likely to result in prompting an urge to movement for change. Irritants make you do something.

A minor irritant may be an itch you chose to scratch, a fly bothering you for a moment may be ignored but if it persists in its annoying habit then pursuit with a fly-swatter may be your chosen action, resulting in the death of the fly.
Irritants may have more serious consequences than an annoying house-fly, but there is no clear distinguishing boundary between irritants and concerns. How do you deal with the disturbing habits of friends, aquaintances, or work colleagues?

Many irritants, happenings that disturb you, are behavioural traits of fellow human beings, and persistent exposure to them may have serious consequences. There may be many minor habits that cause you to avoid particular company. Alernatively, some behaviour may be highly attractive and help build your close circle of friends. That is something that "bothers" me despite its seemingly positive attributes.
(Note- The flexibility of the term "bother" allows me to use it to express a need for understanding, in this case how close friendships are shaped by often unnoticed actions. Irritants as agents for good will be pursued elsewhere.).

PSYCHOLOGICAL IRRITATION - Like your friends... love your enemies.

There is a great deal to be learned from that which irritates you psychologically. Why should psychological irritants exist at all? Why are they there? what purpose do they serve, except for the obvious purpose of irritation?
Perhaps a closer look at responses rather than causes would help. Evolutionary theorists would claim that everything we are and do is shaped by some form of selection pressure towards some beneficial competitive advantage.

Do irritants disturb the peace?

Cep risus aliquam gravida cep ut lacus amet. Adipiscing faucibus nunc placerat. Tempus adipiscing turpis non blandit accumsan eget lacinia nunc integer interdum amet aliquam ut orci non col ut ut praesent. Semper amet interdum mi. Phasellus enim laoreet ac ac commodo faucibus faucibus. Curae ante vestibulum ante. Blandit. Ante accumsan nisi eu placerat gravida placerat adipiscing in risus fusce vitae ac mi accumsan nunc in accumsan tempor blandit aliquet aliquet lobortis. Ultricies blandit lobortis praesent turpis. Adipiscing accumsan adipiscing adipiscing ac lacinia cep. Orci blandit a iaculis adipiscing ac. Vivamus ornare laoreet odio vis praesent nunc lorem mi. Erat. Tempus sem faucibus ac id. Vis in blandit. Nascetur ultricies blandit ac. Arcu aliquam. Accumsan mi eget adipiscing nulla. Non vestibulum ac interdum condimentum semper commodo massa arcu.

And now a subheading

Adipiscing faucibus nunc placerat. Tempus adipiscing turpis non blandit accumsan eget lacinia nunc integer interdum amet aliquam ut orci non col ut ut praesent. Semper amet interdum mi. Phasellus enim laoreet ac ac commodo faucibus faucibus. Curae lorem ipsum adipiscing ac. Vivamus ornare laoreet odio vis praesent.

And another subheading

Adipiscing faucibus nunc placerat. Tempus adipiscing turpis non blandit accumsan eget lacinia nunc integer interdum amet aliquam ut orci non col ut ut praesent. Semper amet interdum mi. Phasellus enim laoreet ac ac commodo faucibus faucibus. Curae lorem ipsum adipiscing ac. Vivamus ornare laoreet odio vis praesent.

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