mental reality

Is What You See What You Get?

A Shared Reality

Shared reality is a name given to the world that appears to surround you when you wake up in the morning. When you wake you have no personal control over what appears, though you may feel you have had considerable input in that you may have carefully arranged and decorated the room you have awakened into during the previous day. Newly painted walls, new furnishings and new items decorating your surroundings.
So you seem to have some local control of the world you may describe as external, but the appearance of the external world any distance from your body seems to be determined by equally external forces and events. You have no control over wind or weather, property that is not "yours" or the landscape into the far distance. You cannot determine the colour of the sky.

The physical world, the world that looks and behaves as an independant substantial reality does not have to have a physical presence to appear as it does.
Humanity PRESUMES physical reality on the basis of behaviour. The way it acts is the way it must be.

This presumption is hardbaked into our psychology, reinforced by our education and sealed by a deep refusal to take obvious contradictions seriously.

The most obvious contradiction is that the science says clearly that the objects we perceive are not the actual objects they appear as but visual creations of the optical system of the brain and body. This is as plain as day to anyone who has ever experienced double vision. Double vision reveals in a somewhat disturbing manner that there are two images being generated by the visual system that overlap perfectly to give a 3-D representation of an apparently solid 3-dimensional reality.WE DO NOT SEE REAL OBJECTS, BUT VISUAL RE-CREATIONS.

Science, scientists, doctors, academics, learned professors, teachers and a myriad other authorities are well aware that we perceive images, not actual objects.

Yet the ability for objects to interact is taken for "absolute proof" that the objective world, a world they have no direct experience of is an underlying concrete reality to their visual imaginations.
There is absolutely nothing to gain by believing the world to have a physical presence. Interaction provides all the behavioural requirements needed to generate the illusion of a concrete reality, so it simply requires an acceptance of the fact of this illusion to live in a world with all the benefits of the material, including the ability to study it as a physical/material structure whilst ackowledging that such a study is of its BEHAVIOUR and not going to reveal anything about its source. Physics is not going to reveal much about the nature of reality and never will as long as its proponents continue to believe in the actuality of an illusion.

Reality as Illusion and Illusion as Reality

Language plays a powerful role in the way we preceive the world.
Misinterpreting language is commomplace. We tend to think illusions are not 'actual' but we really do see them, they are genuinely experienced even though they can be recognised as mistaken visions.
Our accepted understandings of words can also easily build illusory ideas and understandings that can eqally confuse our interpretaions. For example, we strongly believe that the world around use is "costructed from parts" and so can be reduced into those parts to better understand how things work, are made, and are understood. If we describe something as being "made of "something" we assume it has been assembled from smaller comonent parts.

Language plays a powerful role in the way we preceive the world.
Misinterpreting language is commomplace. We tend to think illusions are not 'actual' but we really do see them, they are genuinely experienced even though they can be recognised as mistaken visions.
Our accepted understanding of words can also easily build illusory ideas and understandings that can eqally confuse our interpretations. For example, we strongly believe that the world around us is "constructed from parts" and so can be reduced into those parts to better understand how things work, are made, and are understood.
This leads to simple but profound mistakes, such as claiming that water is "made of hydrogen and oxygen". The two gases may combine to make a third substance, water, but the substance is not a mix of two gasses it is a different catagory of substance. A house is more than the materials it is constructed of.

To state that the world is a mental construction does not mean it is "made of" mind-stuff. A world that has consciousness as its base property does not mean it is "constructed" out of consciousness-stuff.
Belief that the brain somehow generates conscious awareness has led to many intriguing discoveries about the role of the brain in perception of the world but has led to a scientific wild-goose chase for a brain generated source of consciousness.

Listen before Dismissing

The assumption tha brain generates consciousness has led logically to the conviction that there was a time, in fact a presumed time of many billions of years when there was neither life nor its associated conscioueness to be found, yet there was an alleged enormous material creation occurring.
This standard model of creation is founded on deep assumptions and presumptions.
We seriously believe we know what space is when we see it and know that time passes between events, happenings and occurrences.
As consequence we have little dificulty in imagining a time before life "emerged". We also have a strong tendancy to accept trusted authority.

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