The Body of Creation

Understanding the Question.

Assumptions heaped upon assumptions heaped on more assumptions...

When you do not know you may face a dilemma, admit you do not know or make an assumption. To assume is to do so without evidence, to presume is to believe with room for doubt. There are grounds to believe your presumptions may be correct but your assumptions are made without any supporting evidence.

Distinguishing your assumptions from your presumptions can be a tricky affair.

Is there a Deep End to jump into?

Let's fall in and see.
What is the meaning of life? is a question often sharing the stage with Who am I? and What am I...?
Questions of self-reference. This is a matter of knowing. Knowing what you can know and when to stop trying to know.

Self-knowledge is a no-no. Whatever the philosophers, new or old tell you, do not persue self-knowledge with the hope of achieving self-knwledge. That is not how it unfolds. Once you are in the deep-end you are not reliant on support from solid ground. Following this section needs intellectual air to be maintained without solid support. The arguments should not be heard through the prejudice of existing ideas. Rather it is a matter of observation and direct experience. Physical sensations are a direct knowing of the presence of experience, they are creating awareness of experience. There is no need for intellectual understanding, feelings as and within the body are creative in that without them you have no sense of physical existence, no sense of the body being present. Observe that thoughts and feelings are only loosly associated with the feelings of the presence of a body. Persuing a meditative condition can subdue physical awareness to a point where it disappears and what remains we consider as a mental realm.
There really are realms of existence, planes of existence that can be separately known and appreciated for what they are.

Separation - The Knower is Not The Known

Considering these matters may require apparent contradictions as terms of understanding flex themselves and evolve into practical empirical knowledge. Knowing yourself is like trying to look into your own eyes. Try it and observe the futility of the exercise. Try not to respond with the smarmy, smart-arsed, inane, I'm-a-clever-dicky reply of "just look in the mirror". Knowing is NOT an equivalent to experiencing. note that knowing and experiencing are being separated, being given distinctive value. To experience is to become, to know is to separate.The experience is not experienced by "somebody"else, the experience has no need for a knower, no need to be known. Knowing is NOT the equivalent to experiencing.

There are two ways of knowing. A noisy way and a quiet way. The noisy way is descriptive, you separate from the thing you wish to know and give it an independant description. The description is NOT the thing described.
The quiet way is to silently become that which then becomes the known. Becoming is self-destructive. becoming one with another eliminates the perceiver and the perceived. Unity means no-self. Unity means silence.
The quiet way results in knowing becoming experiencing. The knower dissolves into the experience.

Memory is a seperator. Memory allows the superimposed to be revealed with individual identity. Superimposition removes the need for space, everything can be "stored" without the need for space. Memory eliminates the need for time as a linear movement, you can go to any point in history or future that memory can access.
The individual (be it a person or an object) in superposition is better referred to as un-dividual. Individuality is united into One in superposition. Memory divides, the un-dividuated becoming in-dividuated as memory separates out units of isolated recollection.

The clarity of self-knowledge does not come easily.

Questions of self-reference involve cognition, knowing when to know and when to stop knowing and simply be.

The knower IS NOT the known the experienced IS the experiencer.

The characteristic that diferentiates humanity from other entities is the ability to switch between the Knower and the Experiencer.
Separating knowledge from experience allows a learning process to develop and an appreciation that is not present in experience. To be the pain is not the same as knowing the pain.

If the meaning you seek is veiled, hidden behind a curtain of obscurity, pulling away the veil or pulling open the curtain is the revelation of meaning. That revelation is seen by the knower. The revelation creates a knower and a known. The division between knower and known is healed with experience. The experience is an underlying essence creating both knower and known. The experience is the living reality, the life is forever partial, giving it the capacity for undetermined expansion.
We live to feed that expansion.

This is not mystic woo or waffle, but actually 'seeing' it requires a supression of assumptions and presumption. That supression gives the opportunity for meaning to become directly available.

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